What if I told you your company could increase revenue, or that your employees could be more productive and get more work done daily?

What if I told you your company could increase revenue, or that your employees could be more productive and get more work done daily?
If you choose to go with a paperless office your company will do both.
Choosing to have your documents scanned is one of the most important services that your company should be utilizing.
Here are a couple of reasons why:
- Sharing and tracking records easily throughout your office and on the go.
- Scanning prepares your company for disasters, fire, flood, etc… ask yourself this.. Can your company afford to lose all of your documents if a disaster occurs? If a disaster strikes and your documents are scanned you can still run your business.
- Quick response to audits and discoveries.
- Protection for aging papers. Do you have to keep documents for more than 5 years? If so papers age and can be damaged.
- Save money and free up office space. Digitizing your records saves storage space and money. If you need to pull a document scanning them gives you instant access to your records rather than wasting hours trying to find a paper that was created 7 years ago or at any time for that matter.
- Become compliant. If you need to keep documents due to regulations for insurance purposes or audits you will never lose a documents you need again. Furthermore you can type in a few key words and find that document in seconds.
- Multiple people if you chose can access the documents easily at the same time.
So here are your company’s benefits if you chose to go paperless. Get moving in the right direction today to take advantage of all of the above.
By Irene Walters,